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Citadel Center Subdivision

Landmarks & Assets


Kansas City Zoological Park

The Landing Shopping Mall!

Research Hospital

The Pergola at 63’  street

AT&T Building

Woodland Senior Citizen Housing Development

Floodplain Located at 63’ Brooklyn

 Daniel Boone Family Cemetery

Metro Plaza Shopping Center 

Pener’s Men’s Wear

Nazarene Church

Building formerly known as the Light House

Metro Police Station

Pershing School

St. James Place Apar†men†s

Citadel Apartments

Blue Hills Apartments

Douglass Bank


Meyer Boulevard

Paseo Boulevard

63’ d Street

Blue Hills Road

Citadel Drive

Bruce R. Watkins Drive

Park Avenue


Activity Centers

The Landing Mall

Research Hospital

The Pergola at 63’  street

Woodland Senior Citizen Housing Development

 St. James Place Apartments

 The Landing Shopping Mall

              Blue Hills Neighborhood


Edges or Barriers

59“ & Prospect

The Landing Shopping Mall

Pawn Shops Located at 63’ & Paseo

The Metro Shopping Center

59' Street on the North


Concrete  Islands on Paseo Boulevard

The Pergola east 63’ & Paseo

Research Hospital

Woodland Senior Ci†izen Housing Development

Daniel Boone Family Cemetery

Kauffman Charter School


Neighborhood’s Assets


These assets add value to our community. The assets include places, groups, organizations, equipment, skills, abilities and any other feature that increases the livability of the neighborhood.


Green space throughout communi†y

Fire Station W 29, 63"° S†reet 

Research Hospital, Meyer & Prospect

Quiet neighborhood

Clean community

Tremendous political influence

Citadel Neighborhood Association

Blue Hills Neighborhood Association

   Public transportation

Early  Childhood Perching Elementary School

Kauffman Charter School

  Woodlands senior center housing

Paseo High School on 47’ & Flo ra

Hogan  Preparatory  Academy

St.  Monica  School, 58"  & Michigan

Troost Elementary School , 59' & Forest

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